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I vår presentation av nominerade till Urhunden för 2023 års bästa till svenska översatta seriebok har vi nu kommit till Mikael Ross, som hyllas för sin seriebok Fallet i översättning av Linus Kollberg. (Texten är på engelska.)

What is your book about?

– My book is about Noel, a young man with a disability. He still lives with his mother until she has a stroke and cannot take care of him any longer. The story recounts his first year without her. How he has to move from Berlin to a new home, and how he slowly but steadily adapts to a new live and learns to stand on his own two feet.

Describe your creative process!

– Without wanting to compare the experiences in a literal way, creativity is somehow similar to pregnancy. There is not much you can do to speed up the process. A lot has to do with endurance, and waiting and taking care of yourself. And then, bit by bit things start to change, until at the end, something new is born into this world. Something you never could have planned for.

What do you want to achieve with this book?

– It’s very plain. I love to draw, and I love to tell stories. It’s all about the pleasure of doing it. But of course, I have to keep the readers in mind, too. I like entertaining people. It’s often sneered at in my home country Germany, but telling a story in a compelling way is to me quite the achievement.